Authors: Griffith EC, Zhao Y, Singh AP, Conlon BP, Tangallapally R, Shadrick WR, Liu J, Wallace MJ, Yang L, Elmore JM, Li Y, Zheng Z, Miller DJ, Cheramie MN, Lee RB, LaFleur MD, Lewis K, Lee RE.
Reference: ACS Infect Dis. 2019 Nov 8;5(11):1915-1925
PMID: 31588734
Authors: Eliza A. Zalis, Austin S. Nuxoll, Sylvie Manuse, Geremy Clair, Lauren C. Radlinski, Brian P. Conlon, Joshua Adkins, and Kim Lewis
Journal: MBio
PMID: 31530676
Authors: Lauren Radlinski & Brian P. Conlon
Journal: Current Opinion in Microbiology
PMID: 28988156
Authors: Lauren Radlinski, Sarah E. Rowe, Laurel B. Kartchner, Robert Maile, Bruce A. Cairns, Nicholas P. Vitko, Cindy J. Gode, Anne M. Lachiewicz, Matthew C. Wolfgang, and Brian P. Conlon
Journal: PLoS Biology
PMID: 29176757
Authors: Shan Y, Brown Gandt A, Rowe SE, Deisinger JP, Conlon BP, Lewis K.
Reference: MBio. 2017 Feb 7;8(1). pii: e02267-16.
PMID: 28174313
Authors: Elaine M. Waters, Sarah E. Rowe, James P. O'Gara, Brian P. Conlon
Journal: PLoS Pathogens
PMID: 28033390
Authors: Tomoyuki Homma, Austin Nuxoll, Autumn Brown Gandt, Patrick Ebner, Ina Engels, Tanja Schneider, Friedrich Götz, Kim Lewis, Brian P. Conlon
Journal: Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
PMID: 27550357
Authors: Conlon BP, Rowe SE, Gandt AB, Nuxoll AS, Donegan NP, Zalis EA, Clair G, Adkins JN, Cheung AL, Lewis K.
Reference: Nat Microbiol. 2016 Apr 18;1:16051.
PMID: 27572649
Authors: Rowe SE, Conlon BP, Keren I, Lewis K.
Reference: Methods Mol Biol. 2016;1333:17-28.
PMID: 26468096
Authors: Ling LL, Schneider T, Peoples AJ, Spoering AL, Engels I, Conlon BP, Mueller A, Schäberle TF, Hughes DE, Epstein S, Jones M, Lazarides L, Steadman VA, Cohen DR, Felix CR, Fetterman KA, Millett WP, Nitti AG, Zullo AM, Chen C, Lewis K.
Reference: Nature. 2015 Jan 22;517(7535):455-9.
PMID: 25561178
Authors: Conlon BP, Geoghegan JA, Waters EM, McCarthy H, Rowe SE, Davies JR, Schaeffer CR, Foster TJ, Fey PD, O'Gara JP.
Reference: J Bacteriol. 2014 Dec;196(24):4268-75.
PMID: 25266380
Authors: Conlon BP, Rowe SE, Lewis K.
Reference: Adv Exp Med Biol. 2015;831:1-9.
PMID: 25384659
Author(S): Conlon BP.
Reference: Bioessays. 2014 Oct;36(10):991-6.
PMID: 25100240
Authors: Conlon BP, Nakayasu ES, Fleck LE, LaFleur MD, Isabella VM, Coleman K, Leonard SN, Smith RD, Adkins JN, Lewis K.
Reference: Nature. 2013 Nov 21;503(7476):365-70.
PMID: 24226776
Authors: Holland LM, Conlon B, O'Gara JP.
Reference: Microbiology. 2011 Feb;157(Pt 2):408-18.
PMID: 21051486